The Real Story of Christ’s Warrior Monks

The Real Story of Christ’s Warrior Monks

For many years, Hollywood’s treatment of the Crusades and the medieval period has been rooted in fallacy rather than historical fact (and not too popular at the box office), with Ridley Scott’s deplorable Kingdom of Heaven (2005) as a prime example. So, when I saw a...
Did the Church Chain Up the Bible?

Did the Church Chain Up the Bible?

In his 1929 book Survivals and New Arrivals, Hilaire Belloc examined the forces attacking the Catholic Church and its role in society. He put them into two chief categories: “survivals,” those “old forms of attack” that continue to be used by the Church’s enemies but...
Bl. Miguel Pro: Anti-Fascist Martyr

Bl. Miguel Pro: Anti-Fascist Martyr

The twentieth century was witness to the rise of three political ideologies that brought destruction and death to the world and persecution to the Catholic Church. Communism, National Socialism, and Fascism may appear to be at odds in their teachings, but each of...
Columbus: the Real Story

Columbus: the Real Story

In popular myth, Columbus is the very symbol of European greed and genocidal imperialism. In reality, he was a dedicated Christian concerned first and foremost with serving God and his fellow man. Peering into the future, Christopher Columbus (1451-15­06) could not...
Reformers or Revolutionaries

Reformers or Revolutionaries

October marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Secular and religious media will feature stories about the main leaders of the Protestant movement, Martin Luther (1480-1546) and John Calvin (1509-1564). Most of those stories will paint them as holy...
Did the Church Ever Support Slavery?

Did the Church Ever Support Slavery?

Many years ago I attended a conference organized by a national Catholic organization on the topics of marriage and human sexuality. One of the speakers was a professor from Creighton University who, in the middle of his talk on contraception, launched into a long...